
Prevention of juvenile delinquency

On November 27, a meeting of students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering with the Senior Inspector of the Juvenile Affairs Inspectorate of the Moscow District Department of Internal Affairs of Brest, Sergei Petrovich Duboysky, took place at the Brest State Technical University. The main topic of the meeting was the prevention of juvenile delinquency. During the conversation, issues of administrative and criminal liability for committing illegal acts were raised, and Sergei Petrovich explained to the students, using real examples, the price of committing such acts.

In the second part of the event, Vice-Rector for Ideological and Educational Work Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya and Dean of the Faculty Inessa Pavlovna Pavlova touched upon issues related to combating illegal drug trafficking in our country.

In conclusion, the students were shown the project of the national television "Capital Television" - "There is a solution!" The story of which told about a young man, a successful hockey player of the country, who, due to his stupidity at the age of 20, "got on a slippery slope”. As a result of illegal actions, the young man was deprived of freedom for a term of 15 years to be served in a penal colony under Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus "Illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues." The young man ruined his career, destroyed his family, and now his little daughter sees her father on long visits on the territory of the colony.

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