
"Do as SHOULD be" with Minsk Automobile Plant

A large-scale youth educational initiative called "Do as SHOULD be" was launched in Brest. It was organized by the Belarusian Committee of Youth Organizations with the support of Minsk Automobile Plant. The project is aimed at introducing the younger generation to the successes of Belarusian enterprises, the economic power of the state, sports achievements and social projects. For this purpose, famous speakers from MAZ and young opinion leaders come to the regions, sharing their experience and knowledge with students and schoolchildren.

Students of Brest State Technical University, students of the Polytechnic College and Brest College of Transport, as well as high school students of local schools gathered at the opening of the project. All of them had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the latest products and achievements of the Minsk Automobile Plant at a specially organized exhibition of equipment, deployed right on the square in front of BrSTU. The central exhibit of the exhibition was the MAZ-5309RR sports truck — the pride of the MAZ-SPORTavto team. The participants were able not only to inspect the vehicles, but also to take memorable photos, learn about their technical features and even sit behind the wheel of the legendary rally cars.

Before the start of the main part of the program, the guests were able to visit the exhibition of MAZ achievements, take part in career guidance events, where they were told about the working conditions at the plant, educational requirements, social guarantees and career opportunities. The participants were also offered a variety of interactive activities: an exhibition of paintings "Belarus "Before" and "After", exciting quizzes and lotteries.

The event was held in the format of informal communication, where everyone could ask questions and get answers from leading industry experts. The speakers of the meeting were:

— Pavel Aleksandrovich Alekso, Chairman of the Republican Union of Public Associations "Belarusian Committee of Youth Organizations". He spoke about the importance of developing youth policy in the country and supporting talented young people, emphasizing the role of projects such as "Do as it should be".

— Darya Viktorovna Timofeeva, Deputy Director for Ideological Work and Social Issues of the Minsk Automobile Plant, spoke in detail about the activities of the enterprise, focusing on the company's social responsibility and creating a favorable atmosphere for employees. She emphasized the importance of supporting young people and participating in educational projects.

— Sergey Nikolaevich Vyazovich, Head of the MAZ-SPORTavto sports team, shared the secrets of his team's success, telling how the team achieved high results in the international arena, winning prestigious trophies in rallies. He also noted the importance of supporting domestic production and the role of young people in the development of Belarus's sports achievements.

— Viktor Aleksandrovich Bratchenya, Honored Master of Sports in arm wrestling, 22-time world champion, 18-time European champion and 10-time World Cup winner, inspired the participants with his stories of hard work, determination and self-confidence. His speech became a vivid example of how perseverance and self-confidence can lead to the heights of the sports Olympus.

Thus, the event became not only a platform for exchanging experiences, but also a motivating event for all those present. Young people had the opportunity to meet successful people and recharge their batteries to realize their own ambitions.

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