
Intellectual games at BrSTU

On December 19, 2024, a New Year's quiz was held in the library of the Brest State Technical University, organized within the framework of the intellectual games club IQ-club of BrSTU.

5 teams took part in the intellectual competitions, including teams of university teachers, who competed in five exciting rounds. The questions covered a wide range of knowledge: from New Year's traditions to Christmas films and music hits.

Following the results of a tense struggle, the team of deputy deans of faculties for ideological and educational work "Politruki" won.

All participants were awarded prizes from the Primary Trade Union Organization of BrSTU Students.

The New Year's quiz was the first successful event within the framework of the IQ-club of BrSTU, which will continue to delight fans of intellectual games in the new 2025.

Join the BrSTU IQ Club community and come to the "Smart Meetings in the Library"!

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