
"Unity Marathon. Time has chosen us"

On December 20, the republican social and cultural action "Unity Marathon. Time has chosen us" started in Brest. This is not just a large-scale event, but a real festival of friendship, culture and inspiration that unites all Belarusians.

The first day of the "Unity Marathon" action began in a symbolic and significant place for every Belarusian - on the Ceremonial Square in the Brest Fortress in the year of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. Students and employees of the Brest State Technical University, headed by Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, took part in the action "Don't Wake the Sleeping Soldiers". The participants honored the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

The first day of the "Unity Marathon" in Brest is filled with an extensive program. The program of events includes more than two dozen locations. One of such interactive sites is BrSTU. Here is an exhibition of the educational institution "National Children's Technopark" "TO THE FUTURE - TOGETHER".

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the Rector of the university Sergey Antonovich Kasperovich and the director of the educational institution "National Children's Technopark" Sergey Mikhailovich Sachko.

The exhibition presents scientific projects of students of the children's technopark in the following areas: robotics, biotechnology, aerospace technology, as well as quizzes "Atomic Sprint", "Physics for Dummies", the game "Knowledge Detector" and much more.

We invite everyone to visit the exhibition of young minds "TO THE FUTURE - TOGETHER" which will last until 17:00 on December 21!


© 2022 Brest State Technical University

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