
International History Olympiad "World Wars in the History of Mankind"

On November 13, 2024, the Francisk Skaryna Gomel State University held the traditional International History Olympiad "World Wars in the History of Mankind" in a remote form. This year, our university was represented by two teams. In the direction of the competition "for students of non-historical specialties" the following took part in the BrSTU team:

PANASYUK DMITRY SERGEEVICH, Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology, 2nd year, specialty "Water Supply, Sanitation", group B-113

EVKOVICH ANDREY VIKTOROVICH, Faculty of Electronic Information Systems, 3rd year, specialty "Automated Information Processing Systems", group AC-64

MOGEL ROMAN OLEGOVICH, Faculty of Economics, 1st year, specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", group B-59

SONOV MARK MANOLISOVICH, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1st year, specialty "Construction and Civil Engineering", group SGI-365

KOLBASHKO ARTEM VLADIMIROVICH, Faculty of Electronic Information Systems, 2nd year, specialty "Information Management Systems", group AS-65.

The guys, having demonstrated their knowledge of the history of military operations on the fronts of the First and Second World Wars, the history of the development of military equipment, awareness of the biographies and memoirs of outstanding military leaders - participants in the First and Second World Wars, using the skills of analyzing documentary, visual and other sources, cartographic materials, took 2nd place in this International Olympiad.

This year, the university debuted in the competition direction "for foreign students and graduate students studying in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and foreign participants from foreign universities." The team of students from the PRC, who are studying at BrSTU, included students of the Faculty of Economics, specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", group BI-57, 3rd year: JI XIAOYU, SUN ZHU, TEN HAO, LI JIAYI, WANG XINCHUN. The team of foreign students received a 2nd degree diploma.

The children's participation in this event contributed to patriotic education, updating the historical memory of young people, and introducing students to the study of the military-historical past.

On December 26, 2024, Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya congratulated the children and the team leader - Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities Svetlana Vladimirovna Gribova on such a good result. She presented certificates of participation in the Olympiad, Diplomas, a letter of thanks to the team leader and wished them further success!

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