As part of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Higher Education for 2021-2025, Brest State Technical University was visited by the deputy director for research at the Institute of Industrial and Civil Engineering, professor of the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Anatoly Viktorovich Alekseytsev.
The lecture series prepared by Anatoly Viktorovich Alekseytsev for students of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, specializing in "Industrial and Civil Engineering", is devoted to the basics of optimizing steel and reinforced concrete structures using genetic algorithms. In addition, the issues of progressive destruction of building structures, tools for analyzing survivability and preventing destruction were touched upon.
The practice of inviting foreign professors to give lectures is useful and relevant. It allows one to become familiar not only with the material presented by a foreign specialist, but also with the teaching methods at other universities.
As part of the visit, Anatoly Viktorovich visited the university's scientific laboratories, met with the university and faculty management, and discussed prospects for further cooperation.