
Law enforcement officials met with foreign students of BrSTU

On the eve of the new 2025, a meeting of law enforcement officials with foreign students of the university was held at Brest State Technical University.

At the beginning of the meeting, employees of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant Colonel Maxim Ivanovich Pashkevich and Senior Lieutenant Evgeny Aleksandrovich Mushta, acquainted students with the peculiarities of observing the State Border regime and warned against illegal activities related to illegal migration.

Deputy Head of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Vadim Vasilyevich Rovensky reminded those present of the main provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus regulating the stay of foreign citizens in our country, and congratulated them on the upcoming New Year holidays.

Head of the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow District Administration of Brest Dmitry Tadeushevich Lyganovsky told foreign students about the importance of complying with registration procedures, the need for timely application for extension of temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the registration of visas for travel outside our country. Present at the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems of BrSTU A.N. Parfievich and Head of the International Department V.A. Khaletsky noted the great attention that is traditionally paid at the university to compliance by foreign students with migration legislation and laws in the field of protection of the State Border.

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