
Distance learning is a modern educational trend

On January 10, a seminar was held at Brest State Technical University for the heads of colleges of the Brest region implementing secondary specialized and vocational education programs. The seminar was attended by the first deputy head of the main department for education of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Savich Tatyana Alekseyevna, deputy head of the department of general secondary, specialized and vocational education - head of the department of general secondary and specialized education Chanova Tatyana Anatolyevna, vice-rector for academic work of BrSTU Parfievich Andrey Nikolaevich, as well as heads of 33 colleges engaged in secondary specialized and vocational education.

During the meeting, issues aimed at increasing the motivation of college graduates for continuous education and obtaining higher education in absentia at BrSTU were discussed. The seminar participants were introduced to the list of specialties that college graduates can apply for, the procedure for admission to the university, the advantages of distance learning and the opportunities that open up for future students.

Following the seminar, a strategy for cooperation between BrSTU and colleges was developed, aimed at conducting active career guidance work among students with the aim of continuing their education in a higher educational institution.

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