
Voters voting for the first time will receive the book "Symbols of Sovereign Belarus" at the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus

In the run-up to the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Central Election Commission of Belarus has prepared a special gift for those who are participating in such a significant democratic process for the first time. Each first-time voter will be given the book "Symbols of Sovereign Belarus", symbolizing gratitude for their active civic participation.

The book, created specifically for this event, is a unique publication that covers important aspects of Belarusian statehood, national symbols and the cultural heritage of our country. It contains historical materials, stories about the formation of state symbols, as well as information about key events that played an important role in the development of modern Belarus.

The book will be handed to each young voter immediately after voting at polling stations, including at polling stations located in BrSTU. Thus, BrSTU strives to create an atmosphere of solemnity and significance of this event, emphasizing the importance of active participation of young people in the political life of the country.

You can find more detailed information about the book "Symbols of Sovereign Belarus" and the process of its creation on the official website of the BELTA news agency.

Let this gift become the beginning of the path to an active civic position and a deep understanding of the history and traditions of our country!


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